Website Aneh KumpulBlogger

Thursday, March 12, 2009


PT. Solusi Aksesindo Pratama is the Broadband Internet Access operator that provides netZAP Instant Broadband Internet service for Indonesia market. PT SAP is a first-mover wireless broadband operator and is the service provider behind the netZAP Instant Broadband Internet service. The Company has been granted a National Telecommunication Network Operating License and an Exclusive Spectrum Allocation from the Ministry of Communication and Information and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunication.

Re q u i r e m e n t

* Male age between 25 – 35 years old
* Bachelor’s degree in Computing Science / IT or related
* Proficient in oral and written English and computer literate.
* Deep knowledge about internet service provider
* Exhibit willingness to learn and grow in a fast paced environment.
* Excellent interpersonal skills, strong leadership and able to work in a team.
* Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace.
* Has technical knowledge at least one year software training diploma and familiar with Microsoft SQL Server & Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

Interested candidates should send the portfolio and a comprehensive resume including expected salary and cover letter in English via email to:

PT. Solusi Aksesindo Pratama
Jl. Gunawarman No.67 Kebayoran Baru
E-mail :

Only short listed candidates that qualify the above requirements.

Please visit our website :

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