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Thursday, March 5, 2009


The GREAT GIANT PINEAPPLE COMPANY (GGPC) is the world’s LARGEST integrated plantation and factory. From our 32,000 hectares plantation located in Lampung Tengah, Great Giant Pineapple Company supplies over 20% of the world’s total demand for canned pineapple. Our processed fruit is exported to over 50 countries in Europe, The Americas and Asia Pacific and Middle East.

When it comes to labor-intensive crops, few are more DEMANDING than the planting and harvesting of pineapple. Research Department has led the way to a higher yield and better quality products. With work force of more than 10,000 people, GGPC has created a community that combines personal incentive with enhanced quality of life. They are a company that CREATES VALUE for its customers and VALUES THE CREATIVITY of its people.

If you are challenged by revolutionary ways to INCREASE YIELD of agriculture produce and you are committed to attain the PERFECT BALANCE between human needs, ENVIRONMENTAL concerns and COMMERCIAL GOALS, you could be our future MANAGEMENT TRAINEE.

Please submit your Curriculum Vitae supported with proper contact address and a copy of your Transcript and Certificate (Ijazah Terakhir) by Post directly to :

Recruitment & Training Department,
Jl. Raya Arah Menggala Km. 77, Terbanggibesar,
Kabupaten Lampung Tengah,

or send a soft copy of all the above
to the following email address :
NOT LATER THAN 21 March 2009

* Persyaratan:

If you are a graduate of IPB FAPERTA, FATETA or FEM from Program Studi :
1. Pemuliaan Tanaman,
2. Agronomy,
3. Agribusiness,
4. Penyuluhan,
5. Soil Science,
6. Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan,
7. Hama & Penyakit Tumbuhan
8. Mikrobiologi Pertanian.

And possess the following criteria:
1) GPA min. 2.8
2) Excellent in your Functional Skills
3) Pro-active and Hard Worker
4) Good Logic and Analytical Thinking
5) Effective Communication
6) Love Team Challenges and Outdoor excitement
7) Passion for Continuous Personal Development

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